
Friday, January 25, 2013

10 Things notice by girls in boys

If you want to get notice by a girls around you so remember what girls notice in you (Boys).This will help you when you go out and help you .

There are lots of things that is notices by a girls in boys

If you want good friends then lots of thing is required to keep in mind lets start from the top of body part what girls notice in boys

(1)Good hair style : Always take care of your hair style because lots of impressions depends on your hair style so always keep good hair style.

(2)Eyes: make good contact with girls and don't move your eyes every where because girls feel bad and cheep kind of boys if you moves your eyes every where .

(3)Smile : keep good and lovely smile on your face

(4)Dressing Style : Always wear clean and good clothes its always matter if you are studs then ok every things looks good on you but its happen only in movies

(5)Mouth freshener : There are lots of boys they don't know that to bad smell are coming from there mouth so before you go to meet any girls put some mouth freshener in your mouth

(6)Body Language : Always behave like a simple no need of show of in front of girls always be simple

(7)Shake hands : girls also notice how you shake hand

wear good shoes and keep clean

(9)Sense on humor :
can't explain it my words so be smart

(10)Voice :
Girls like man with good voice i mean heavy voice


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